Service Level Agreement

1. Introduction

1.1 This Service Level Agreement (hereinafter "SLA") reflects the service level objectives granted by NEOMO to the user of a paid subscription (except RUNDIFY Enterprise User). The provisions of this SLA are fully incorporated by reference into our General Terms and Conditions. By clicking the button or box prior to using the Services or by using the Services, whichever comes first, you agree to be bound by the terms of our SLA, including but not limited to the terms of this SLA, as may be amended by NEOMO from time to time. Terms not defined herein shall have the meanings assigned to them in our GTC. Unless otherwise agreed in writing by NEOMO, RUNDIFY Enterprise Users are bound by the terms of their respective Hosted Services Agreement, which includes a Service Level Addendum.

1.2 Different service levels apply to the various chargeable services, which is specified in more detail below.

2. Contact and response times

2.1 Malfunctions or other inquiries can be sent to our support team via NEOMO endeavors to answer malfunction requests as quickly as possible and to remedy any malfunction that may exist. No time response time is agreed for the response to a request.

2.2 Users with a RUNDIFY Enterprise subscription are assigned a personal contact person from the Premium Support Team who provides technical and product-specific support. NEOMO guarantees a response time depending on the degree of the fault according to the table below. The degree of disruption is determined solely by NEOMO.

2.3 In deviation from 2.1, the following provision applies to RUNDIFY Pro/Premium and RUNDIFY Enterprise users.

Classification of the disorder by degree:

Severity 1: Critical failure that prevents a large number of users from using the services properly.

Severity 2: Disruption that causes a large number of users to be able to use the services only with substandard performance or brief interruption.

Severity 3: Minor disruption that only slightly restricts the proper use of the services.

Response times for RUNDIFY Enterprise users:

  • Severity Response time Severity 1: < 24 hours

  • Severity 2: < 48 hours

  • Severity 3: < no response time agreed

Response times for RUNDIFY Premium users:

  • Severity Response time Severity 1: < 48 hours

  • Severity 2: < 36 hours

  • Severity 3: < no response time agreed

Response times for RUNDIFY Pro users:

  • Severity Response time Severity 1: <96 hours

  • Severity 2: < 48 hours

  • Severity 3: no response time agreed

3. Introduction and trainings

3.1 Users with a RUNDIFY Enterprise Account are provided with a one-time free introduction (up to a maximum of two hours) to NEOMO. The date and time are determined solely by NEOMO.

3.2 If required, a NEOMO Enterprise User can agree on additional training courses on use cases with NEOMO, depending on the agreement in the applicable Hosted Services Agreement, which may be subject to a charge.

4. Availability

4.1 NEOMO endeavors to keep the Services available at all times, but with the exception of Users with a RUNDIFY Enterprise Account, does not assure guaranteed availability.

4.2 NEOMO offers users with a RUNDIFY Enterprise Account an annual availability of 99.5% of the services. Downtime is defined as the total number of minutes per year during which the NEOMO services are not available. NEOMO is responsible for measuring availability itself or through a third party engaged by NEOMO.

4.3 NEOMO will occasionally carry out maintenance work at its own discretion so that the services can continue to run smoothly. Such planned downtimes will be communicated to the users with RUNDIFY Pro/Premium subscriptions within a reasonable period of time in each case.

4.4 Not considered downtime:

  • Failures for which NEOMO bears no responsibility (including Internet or other network failures or force majeure).

  • If functions run slower than usual or are otherwise insignificantly impaired, i.e. use of the services is still possible.

  • Problems with integrations

  • External network or equipment problems beyond NEOMO's reasonable control, e.g. incorrect routing tables between the Internet service provider and NEOMO's server, or if the failure is due to other malfunctions of the user's systems.

  • Planned downtime for maintenance.

    4.5 In the event of non-compliance with the guaranteed Service Level Availability, NEOMO shall grant the respective NEOMO User compensation, provided this has been agreed by NEOMO in a separate contract, in accordance with the provisions of the relevant contract.

5. Changes to this SLA

5.1 In accordance with our GTC, we may make changes to this Service Level Agreement at any time.

The last change was made on July 13, 2023

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