Privacy policy

1. Data protection

At NEOMO, we take the security of data on our partners' servers and the protection of our users' privacy seriously. We employ security professionals who take care of technical and organizational security during the operation and further development of the product. We continuously take measures to protect your data from loss, misuse, unauthorized access, disclosure, manipulation or destruction.

In principle, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) applies to the processing of your personal data. If you access our offers from the state of California, USA, the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 (CCPA) may also apply.

You can also find a link to the Privacy Policy in the footer of our digital products in the Legal notices section.

This Privacy Policy describes how data is handled at NEOMO. Please also consult our General Terms and Conditions as well as your rights and the disclosures required by the CCPA.

2. Your data at NEOMO

When you use RUNDIY, you send data to NEOMO, e.g. a name, an e-mail address or other information that is in the files you upload. Other data is implicitly generated by your use of NEOMO, e.g. log data or information about question and answer quality. We use this data for internal analysis purposes to improve the product for you. In addition, we engage other companies to perform tasks on our behalf and may need to share this information with them to provide services to you. We do not sell your data to third parties.

3. Log data

NEOMO records certain requests and transactions in log files. This log data is used for troubleshooting, statistics, analysis, quality assurance, monitoring of system security and training of the language models used and can be evaluated for this purpose. NEOMO may publish anonymous statistics on the condition that no personally identifiable information can be derived from these statistics.

NEOMO also uses Google Analytics and Google Firebase Analytics (for iOS and Android apps) to generate usage statistics. These services are provided by Google, Inc. Their privacy policies can be found at and

NEOMO anonymizes IP addresses before they are sent to Google Analytics.

NEOMO uses messages to the support and the data contained therein exclusively to process the problems or requests registered by the users. Your personal data will be processed and transmitted in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR).

4. Cookies

When you use NEOMO, the service may store cookies on your computer. Cookies are small pieces of information that help identify your browser and store information for future visits, such as your language preferences, your chosen theme, and other application statuses. NEOMO uses cookies to track usage, improve usability and overall user experience, and to manage advertising inventory.

Most Internet browsers accept cookies automatically. However, you can configure your browser at any time so that no cookies are stored on your computer or so that a notice always appears when you receive a new cookie.

Firebase authentication cookies ("FA") are used for login to enable a faster login process. FA supports authentication with passwords and popular federated identity providers like Google and Facebook. Because they know your identity, they can securely store your data in the cloud and provide the same personalized experience across all your devices. When you sign up for our services, you are explicitly requesting access to the content or features for which you are eligible. Without the use of an authentication token stored in a cookie, you would have to enter a username and password each time you request a page. These cookies identify you for the duration of the session and are only used in our web app. For more information about Firebase and the use of cookies, see

You have the option to disable cookies, but this may result in extremely limited use of NEOMO services.

5. Social login

NEOMO uses third-party tools to provide you with the convenience you are accustomed to from other sites on the Internet to log in to NEOMO with one click (so-called "social login"). Some of these tools can track your actions when you interact with them. At NEOMO, you can log in using Google, Microsoft, Facebook, GitHub or your email/password. Please refer to the terms and conditions of each provider:

6. Advertising

Advertising is one of NEOMO's sources of revenue. Therefore, NEOMO may display advertising on some services, e.g. on certain web pages or in e-mails. This advertising can be targeted using the information available to NEOMO (language, IP address, survey content, etc.). This targeting is always an automated process; none of the information used for targeting is manually analyzed or made available to advertisers. In some cases, NEOMO displays advertisements from Google's AdSense or AdExchange network. These ads can be targeted based on survey content. Google does not share this information and uses it only for its intended purpose. You can view Google's Privacy Policy for ads here: In addition, you can use Google's Ads Preferences Manager to configure the right ad settings for you. We also use other third-party vendors to serve ads when you visit our website. If you would like more information about this practice and to know your choices about not having this information used by these companies, please see

The paid services RUNDIFY Pro/Premium and RUNDIFY Enterprise are ad-free.

7. Outdated and closed questionnaires

You can delete outdated or completed questionnaires (or actually all of them) manually at any time via a corresponding link. When deleting a questionnaire, the questionnaire data and all answers associated for this questionnaire will be deleted from the databases of the RUNDIFY application, but may be archived in another form for internal analysis purposes to improve the product for you. Log data will not be deleted. In addition, outdated questionnaires are automatically deleted from time to time, but no earlier than 30 days after the last date of a response in the questionnaire or 30 days after the last access to a questionnaire without a response. Questionnaires created with a RUNDIFY Pro/Premium or RUNDIFY Enterprise account are not automatically deleted as long as the subscription remains active. If the subscription expires, the above deletion rules apply to all questionnaires associated with the account after 30 days from expiration.

8. Inactive and anonymous accounts

NEOMO may delete user accounts if they remain inactive (i.e. not accessed) for 1 year or more. Anonymous user accounts that do not have login information and have not been converted into a real user account within 30 days will be deleted after 30 days.

9. Unauthorized access

NEOMO has several mechanisms in place to prevent unauthorized access to questionnaires, accounts or other data.

To access a questionnaire, use the unique link provided by RUNDIFY, which contains a random access code. This link is an important element to prevent unauthorized access to a questionnaire. You should send this link only to authorized persons, i.e. the persons who are supposed to answer your questionnaire.

User accounts are protected by passwords. You should choose a strong password and ensure its confidentiality to prevent unauthorized access to your account.

10. Invitations to RUNDIFY

You have the possibility to contact persons and invite them to answer a questionnaire from RUNDIFY. In this case, NEOMO requires the e-mail addresses of the persons to be contacted. You can enter these e-mail addresses in the corresponding form. NEOMO saves these e-mail addresses in your RUNDIFY user account so that you can offer the same contacts again the next time you use the service. You can have all stored e-mail addresses deleted at any time using the corresponding function in your user account.

General note: NEOMO does not disclose participants' e-mail addresses to third parties, as it does with all other personal information. NEOMO does not send any e-mail communication to the e-mail addresses of the participants without a legal basis for doing so.

11. Integration of contacts

Alternatively (or in addition) to the RUNDIFY contacts, you can use your existing Google contacts to gain access to the email addresses of the persons to be contacted. In this case, you authorize NEOMO to access your Google contacts. Your Google contacts will continue to be stored by Google. Please also note this: Access to your Google contacts is set up (thanks to OAuth) so that NEOMO does not have access to your Google password at any time.

12. Calendar integration

You can connect RUNDIFY to your calendar to make the scheduling and reminder process even easier and more efficient. There are two types of calendars: Online and offline calendars.

Online calendars such as Google calendar are constantly accessible via their respective interface. RUNDIFY can store certain calendar data to improve performance (caching) and personalize scheduling.

In both cases, the calendar data on RUNDIFY can be deleted at any time.

13. Communication between you and NEOMO

When you send NEOMO a message, it may be stored to process it, to compile statistical information, to improve our services and support, or to contact you.

14. For user surveys and market research

We use the data you provide only to improve the user experience and to further develop and train our products. The results consist solely of aggregated and anonymous data.

15. Payment processing

The payment processing of NEOMO services is done via Stripe. You can find Stripe's Privacy Policy here: The data required by Stripe for billing is requested by Stripe itself.

16. Marketing and helpdesk

We use HubSpot for our online marketing activities and helpdesk requests. This is an integrated software solution that we use to cover various aspects of our online marketing. These include, among others:

  • E-mail marketing (newsletters as well as automated mailings, e.g. to provide downloads) - Social media publishing & reporting - Reporting (e.g. traffic sources, accesses, etc.)

HubSpot is a software company based in the USA with an office in Ireland. Contact: HubSpot, 2nd Floor 30 North Wall Quay, Dublin 1, Ireland, Phone: +353 1 5187500. HubSpot is certified under the terms of the "EU - U.S. Privacy Shield Frameworks" and is subject to TRUSTe 's Privacy Seal and the "U.S. - Swiss Safe Harbor" Framework.

More information about HubSpot's Privacy Policy:

17. Location of the data

The list and locations of sub-processors authorized to process data on behalf of NEOMO can be found here:

  • Google | USA - Hubspot | USA

18. Transfer of personal data abroad

We are entitled to transfer your personal data abroad, including to third-party companies (designated service providers), to the extent that this is expedient for the data processing described in this Privacy Policy. The recipients are obliged to protect your data to the same extent as we do. If the level of data protection in a particular country is lower than in Germany, we will contractually ensure that the level of protection for your personal data is equivalent to the level applicable in Germany. We ensure this through one or more of the following measures:

  • by concluding EU model clauses with the commissioned service providers, cf.

  • that the contracted service providers have Binding Corporate Rules (BCR) that are recognized by a European data protection authority, cf.

19. Disclosure of personal information

NEOMO uses personal information in accordance with the Terms of Use and this Privacy Policy.

NEOMO may disclose personal information to other companies or individuals only in the following limited circumstances: (i) NEOMO has your consent; (ii) NEOMO has a good faith belief that there is a legal obligation to disclose the information; (iii) NEOMO needs to access or disclose the information to protect the security of the Service or other users' information; (iv) NEOMO needs to access or disclose the information to protect NEOMO's rights and property or to enforce the Terms of Service.

20. Data retention

We keep your data only as long as required by law or as long as it is appropriate for the purpose of the processing. If we conduct analyses, we store your data until the analysis is completed. If we store your data on the basis of a contractual relationship with you, this data will remain stored at least for the duration of the contractual relationship and at most for the duration of the limitation periods within which any claims can be asserted by or against us, or for the duration of statutory or contractual retention obligations.

21. Legal basis

We process your personal data only in accordance with the principles of data protection and only if there is a legal basis for doing so. If it serves the justification or execution of our contract, this is the legal basis. Apart from that, we have an interest in constantly improving our offers, adapting our offers to your needs and showing you advertising that might be of interest to you. This is necessary to further develop our offers and to be able to guarantee the financing and security of our offers. We assume that our interests prevail. If you have consented to the data processing, this consent applies.

22. Right to deletion

In accordance with the applicable European legislation, you can delete your account and the events you own from the system, in the account section of the websites. However, it is possible that another user may invite you to an event again in the future or inform you about it. If you do not want that either, we can block your email address.

23. Your rights

You have the right to exercise your data protection rights at any time and to request information about whether and which personal data concerning you has been processed by us. You can also request the correction, blocking or deletion of your personal data at any time in writing by, enclosing suitable proof of your identity.

We reserve the right to exchange correspondence with you in this regard.

Please note that we may be required to retain some of your personal data even after a request to block or delete it as part of our legal or contractual retention obligations (e.g., for accounting purposes), and that in such a case we will only block your personal data to the extent necessary for this purpose. In addition, deletion of your personal data may result in you no longer being able to purchase or use the services you have registered. In certain circumstances, you have the right to request that we provide you or a third party designated by you with your personal data in a commonly used format.

In addition, you have the right to lodge a complaint about the data processing in question with the competent supervisory authority. You can do this at the supervisory authority of your place of residence, your place of work or the place of the alleged data breach. Your personal data protection cockpit provides you with further information about the various systems and providers we use, as well as the option to change your data protection settings at any time.

24. Contact person

If you have any questions about data protection, would like information or to have your data deleted, please contact

The contact details of our data protection officer are as follows:

NEOMO GmbH\ Data Protection Officer\ Osterseestr. 9\ 83929 Weyarn\ Germany

25. Changes

NEOMO reserves the right to update this Privacy Policy at any time. The most current version of this policy is available at

The last update was made on 13 July 2023

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